16 out of 33
After practicing as a Family Lawyer in Canada, a country with a dual legal system (Common and Civil Law), Rahima joined bwg in 2005 and became a partner in 2015.
A true “citizen of the world”, bi-national and trilingual, she is sensitive to cultural differences and has an affinity for foreign legal systems.
Her preferred field of practice is international family law, with a focus on all matters relating to children and their movements, both legal and illegal.
Her international expertise takes its full dimension in countries with religious law systems, particularly in the Middle East, but also in Asia, Africa, Europe and Canada.
Rahima is known for her tenacity and integrity, and is recognised as a true support in accompanying her clients by helping them to resolve their family crisis.
- Divorces and other separations
- Children
- International Families
- Family crisis
- Family counselling
- Member of the Bars of Montreal (Canada) and Paris (France)
- Trained in family mediation (CEDR certification- Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution) and interest-based negotiation
- IAFL : Fellow of the International Academy of Family lawyers ;
- IBA : Officer of the Family law Commission of the International Bar Association ;
- UIA : Member of the Union internationale des avocats (International Association of Lawyers) ;
- ERA : Member of the Académie de droit Européen (Academy of European Law) ;
- AAQF : Member of the Association des avocats au Barreau du Québec en France (Association of Lawyers of the Quebec Bar in France) ;
- Registered as a family lawyer at Embassies and Consulates (Canada, UAE…)
- FBLS: Member of the Franco-British Lawyers Society ;
- Speaker at various international colloquia in private international family law;
- Training for international family lawyers: Etats généraux du Droit de la famille et du patrimoine, les Entretiens du Droit de la famille (Gazette du Palais), Commission on Family Law at the Paris Bar ;
- Training for students of the Bar Schools (EFB Paris (Paris Bar School)- HEDAC Versailles);
- Author for Gazette du Palais (Family law section)
- Author of the “Points de procédure et illustrations” (procedural points and illustrations) of Dalloz Action Droit de la Famille